The victim’s lawyer has a duty to assist the victim throughout the legal proceedings:
he or she explains how the procedure progresses, provides advice and information on the victim’s rights, and helps the victim to exercise those rights and protect his or her interests.
The role that the victim’s lawyer can play in the procedure depends on the position of the victim.
If the victim participates in the proceedings only as a witness, the lawyer may accompany him/her whenever the victim’s presence is required and, where necessary, inform the victim of his/her rights, but cannot intervene.
If the victim is a party to the proceedings in support of the prosecution (civil claimant), the victim may have a lawyer for the purpose of defending the victim’s right to compensation. It is the responsibility of the lawyer to present the claim and supporting evidence, in particular on the damage caused to the victim, to participate in the trial by questioning the defendant, witnesses, and experts on aspects relating to the claim for compensation and to lodge an appeal if he or she does not agree with the decision on the claim.
Being a victim of crime does not mean that you have an automatic right to appoint and pay for a lawyer from the state. The victim is only entitled to apply for legal aid if he or she cannot afford to pay lawyer fees.
If you believe that a lawyer has not respected your rights, you should report it to one of the Bar Associations in Greece. There are 63 bar associations in Greece – one at the seat of each court of first instance in the country.